Labels:text | font | cartoon | ink OCR: no MORE WE TRY HARDER LONG DISTANCE CALLS! By Abbie Hoffman Obviously one reason for publishing YIPL has to do with DIODE free speech. Free speech like in "why should anyone pey for talking" and Free speech like in "Why shouldn't any- one be allowed to print any kind of information they want RED (CUT) including how to rip off the phone company. As revealed in issue no. 14, the phone company is trying to build a FROM TO case against YIPL. It is also moving on other grounds, namely to convince legislators to pass laws prohibiting WALL PHONE the publishing of this info. Many states, notably Califor- nia have already moved in this area. However, none of these laws has yet to be tested constitutionally. Neither GREEN YIPL nor Steal This Book nor any underground public- ation here bas been preve ...